Expy: To The Rock, specifically Corporate Champion Rock.Break the Haughty: His final defeat causes a Villainous Breakdown since after failing to Take Over the World for his grandpa, he is now useless and disposable.Also, Giovanni bills himself as "the best there is", though he doesn't ever say the full catchphrase. They pick up Catchphrase after catchphrase and a bit of attitude from the two wrestlers over the course of the plot. The Player Character's Canon Name is Austin and The Rival's is Rock for a reason.

A panel (written by Lance) says: "Oak rates Pokedex via PC. Lampshade Hanging: Oak's Pokedex rating via PC makes little sense since only the main character and The Rival even have one.In this game, he is the one to fuse Bill with a Clefairy. The Rival takes the cake as he bullies everyone (the main character's mother being his favourite chew toy) he comes across.Jerkass: Almost everyone, including the main character.However, it's a concern for the rest of the world instead of their parents, since both are the Kid With The Remote Control and unleash heaps of abuse onto the outside world. Free-Range Children: Both the main character and The Rival.

All of this while your rival gets out to defeat the Pokemon Gym Leaders, collect their badges and beat the Elite Four to become the Champion, thereby granting Oak power over all the Kanto Region.Īlong the way, you'll have to deal with another Pokemon-related world takeover attempt: Team Rocket also exists and Giovanni tries to upstage everyone by catching ghost Pokemon, forcing mass-production of Master Balls for his personal use, and becoming a Gym Leader.Įventually, The Rival becomes the Champion by using Pokemon over level 100, most notable of which Mewtwo, who isn't catchable in this hack because it is the Final Boss. In exchange for this mon, Oak wants you to fill his Pokedex's data by catching all the Pokemon from the Kanto region. His own grandson, The Rival, is put behind, just so he can outplay you and pick the mon that is efficient against yours. He gives you the choice between Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle.

The plot is simple: you, an eleven-year-old sheltered slave, are offered your very first Mon by Oak, who is the sole person of authority in the lost Pallet Town. A Pokémon Red romhack by Wax still under work.