Me, I'm just sitting here with my CC, ready to buy. We know about their PR problems, but they might also have money, MGT or HR issues. Playsports' website is nothing but MM so there's no reason to think it's all over for pc, unless they have problems we don't know about. If they implement a fraction of them the game would leap forward in realism, playability and fun. There are pages and pages of good ideas to improve MM on various threads around here. It's a shame that Playsport has chosen mostly silence as a public relations strategy, but hey, it's their company. I'm hoping for a full 2.0 upgrade for pc. So I'm convinced that we will get a full PC sequel, eventually.

Originally posted by Skykid93:They did state on twitter (in a reply, in their MMM3 announcement), that PC is important to them and they will share something eventually. My only issue is that, they may overprice a brand new game. I have a feeling they may have began work on a new game, and some final updates. Also, the ability to zoom in and give a better sense of immersion and even have actual crashes.

I'd also like to see more injuries (it makes more managing decisions) and multi car crashes, and possibly even red flags. The great thing is that MM 3 actually has a few real, licensed tracks, like Monaco, and a few others. Honestly, my biggest wants are more tracks and more series like stock car racing. Those are good ideas! A fresh deeper game would be really nice. These messages had suggestions such as a revamp to the drivers and their stats, a more in depth and exciting sponsor market, a more flexible car development tree, more in depth HQ development, more rules to vote on(more flexible on car development, like a certain type of front wing being not allowed etc), more realistic racing with a lot more tracks, more exciting young driver development(managing them in karting, helping them progress, enabling them to get certain traits before becoming an adult driver) and a far more in depth driver negotation game(salary, points earnings, podium earnings, merchandize %, driver release clauses like being realized if he doesn't achieve a certain position, or if he doesn't finish in the top 5 like he's expected to, he can leave for another team without compensation being paid). I've actually send both facebook messages and an email off to the MM team but they've been ignored. Originally posted by BZ Enwrong:I want a brand new game.