How to Install Opera Browser Offline Installer? Download Opera USB (Portable Browser for Windows).Download Opera Browser Offline Installer for Linux.Opera Browser Offline Installer for Mac.Download Opera Browser Offline Installer for Windows 32-bit.

You can use the CTRL+Shift+5 button to trigger the Snapshot tool of the Opera browser. You don’t need to install any add-ons or extensions. Well, Snapshot is already a part of the Opera browser. The messenger bar appears on the left pane of the screen, allowing you to access Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Telegram, and Vkontakte right from the sidebar. The latest version of Opera web browser has integrated messengers. The battery-saving mode of the Opera web browser promises up to 1 extra hour of run time. If you have a laptop, you can enable the battery-saving mode on the web browser. Opera web browser has a built-in free unlimited VPN that provides an extra layer of security on public WiFi networks. If you often visit geo-restricted sites, you can consider Opera. You can place the floating bar anywhere on the screen.

The latest version of the Opera browser has a pop-up video feature that lets you watch videos while browsing the web.